In accordance and subject to the Standardbred Fan Club TERMS OF USE, SERVICE AND CONDITIONS.

It is the policy of the Standardbred Fan Club to:

carry out the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposition of personal information in a way that respects the privacy principles outlined in the Privacy Act and other applicable laws, regulations and policies;

- ensure that privacy is a core consideration in all its programs and activities;

- protect the personal information under its control to maintain and deliver programs and activities;

- communicate its privacy practices to the public;

- ensure that effective and up-to-date personal information protection measures are in place;

- ensure that appropriate levels of protection of personal information are in place.


This policy applies to all Standardbred Fan Club programs and activities that require the collection, use, and/or disclosure of personal information.

This policy covers all personal information, including but not limited to both client and employee personal information, under the control of the Standardbred Fan Club.